Demystifying TypeScript's Extract Type
Many of the applications I develop at work utilize TypeScript for front-end
development to provide a high level of type safety while also remaining
familiar to developers who are used to JavaScript. In one such application,
a need arose that required a more sophisticated type than I use on a daily
basis. After some research, I discovered a solution using TypeScript’s
type. In this post, I’ll share a few examples of how you can use
in your own projects to improve type safety and developer
Use case: Extracting subsets of a union
To get started with Extract
, let’s look at a simple example. Suppose we
have a type MixedArgs
, which is a union type containing four different
members of various types. Our goal is to “extract” the members of the union
that are functions, which we can do using Extract
. This would look
something like this:
type MixedArgs = string | number | () => string | () => number
type FunctionArgs = Extract<MixedArgs, Function>
The first argument we pass to Extract is our union type and the second argument is the type that we will use when comparing each member of the union. If a member is assignable to our second argument, it will be included in the resulting type.
Pro tip: The second argument to Extract
can also be a union!
Since string
and number
are not assignable to Function,
they will not
be included in the resulting type. This results in FunctionArgs
evaluating to the following type:
type FunctionArgs = () => string | () => number
Use case: Now that we understand the basic concept, let’s look at a real world
example. Say we have an array of products, each of which contains a key
which is a string to determine what type of object it is. This would
look something like this:
type Product =
| { type: "book"; author: string }
| { type: "movie"; producer: string }
| { type: "appliance"; manufacturer: string }
Let’s say we want to create a function that takes an array of Product
and returns only those which match a specified type. This would look
something like this:
function filterProducts(products: Product[], type: Product["type"]) {
return products.filter((item) => item.type === type)
While this function will do exactly what we want at runtime, the type
returned from calling filterProducts(products, 'book')
will be
even though we know that the resulting array won’t contain any
s or appliance
s. With the power of Extract
, we can improve this:
function filterProducts<T extends Product, U extends T["type"]>(
products: T[],
type: U,
) {
return products.filter(
(item): item is Extract<T, Record<"type", U>> => item.type === type,
There is a lot going on here, so let’s break it down. First, we’ve updated
the function to accept two generic arguments: T
and U
. TypeScript will
infer the value of these
generic arguments
since we have typed the function parameters using the generic variables.
Since each generic argument has a corresponding generic constraint, the
function will properly type check the arguments provided to the function
like it did in the non-generic example we looked at before.
Now that we have our generic arguments, we can add a
type predicate
to our filter function. Our type predicate allows us to instruct TypeScript
about the specific type of the argument passed to the function when the
function returns true
. Array.prototype.filter
will use this to narrow
the type of the resulting array.
The type that our type predicate is narrowing to is
Extract<T, Record<"type", U>>
, which probably looks a bit confusing at
first. The type we are extracting from is T
, which will be our array of
Products that we passed to our function. Record<"type", U>
will be an
object that looks something like this: { type: 'book' }
. Just like our
previous example with FunctionArgs
, Extract
will return a type
containing all members that { type: 'book' }
is assignable to. Our final
resulting type when calling our function will look like this:
type Result = { type: "book"; author: string }[]
Neat, right!
Bonus: Extract with template literal types
For a little bonus, let’s explore a complex but extremely powerful way of using Extract with template literal types to extract keys from an object with keys matching a specific pattern.
Let’s say we have a Person
type that contains some details about the
type Person = {
name: string
email: string
homePhone: number
mobilePhone: number
workPhone: number
Now, further suppose that we want to create a type from Person
contains only the phone number keys. This would be fairly simple with
as we could do this:
type PhoneInfo = Pick<Person, "homePhone" | "mobilePhone" | "workPhone">
However, if we have a large number of phone number keys, this will be
difficult to maintain and prone to errors. With Extract
and template
literal types we can create the PhoneInfo
type very easily with the
following code:
type PhoneInfo = {
[key in Extract<keyof Person, `${string}Phone`>]: Person[key]
The resulting type of PhoneInfo
is the following:
type PhoneInfo = {
homePhone: number
mobilePhone: number
workPhone: number
I don’t know about you, but the power of type constructs like this is one of the reasons I love TypeScript!