Software engineer, Christ follower, small town kid.

I’m Mark, a frontend software engineer who loves to build exceptional user experiences. My passion lies in developer experience, productivity, and accessibility. And yes, I use Vim.

Building Figma Multiplayer Cursors

How easy is it to build real-time multiplayer cursor tracking from apps like Figma? I had that very question, and this post dives deep into the world of WebSockets and real-time communication to show exactly how you can build this type of feature in your apps.

Why Celebrate Christmas?

Most people celebrate Christmas in one way or another, but do they truly understand the reason why we should celebrate Christmas? Is Christmas just a commercial holiday, or is there more to it than that?

Efficient Pagination With Prisma

When adding pagination to the Bytes section of my website, I didn't want to use traditional limit/offset pagination, instead I wanted to experiment with cursor based pagination which scales significantly better than limit/offset pagination. In this post, we explore how to do this with Prisma.

Introducing Bytes

I'm proud to unveil Bytes, my collection of short-form posts, tips, and things I learn as I build software! Bytes is a way to document my learnings and share that knowledge with you and in this post I share a bit more about my motivation for creating Bytes, and some of the fun tech stack that powers it.

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  1. Company
    Staff frontend engineer
  2. Company
    Staff software engineer
  3. Company
    Widen, an Acquia Company
    Staff software engineer
  4. Company
    CKH Consulting
    Software developer
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