Print Git Remote URL

I have several bash scripts that require the remote URL of a Git repository, so a while back I wrote a script to build the URL. I recently rebuilt it with support for SSH host aliases.


# Read the repo base URL from the git config
url=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)

# If the URL does not follow the `git@` format, replace it with the correct one
# from the SSH config.
if [[ $url != "git@"* ]]; then
	# Read the host alias from the git config

	# Lookup the real hostname from the SSH config
	hostname=$(ssh -G "$host" | grep '^hostname ' | awk '{ print $2 }')

	# Replace the old host alias with the real hostname

# Take the format and turn it into
if [[ $url != "https://"* ]]; then
	url=$(echo "$url" | sed 's/\.git$//' | sed 's/:/\//' | sed 's/^git@/https:\/\//')

echo "$url"

Now when we call remote-url in our terminal, we should see something like We’ll see this command used in several future Bytes!