Easier Auto Command Groups In Neovim

The nvim_create_augroup and nvim_create_autocmd APIs in Neovim work great for creating auto commands, however they sometimes are a bit cumbersome to use compared to the old Vimscript style augroup command where auto commands inside the augroup block were automatically grouped. Let’s recreate this same type of experience in Lua!

--- Creates an autocmd group that will automatically group and clear the
--- autocmds created within it.
--- @param name string
--- @param func fun(autocmd: fun(event: any, opts: vim.api.keyset.create_autocmd))
local function augroup(name, func)
	local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup(name, {})

	--- @param event any
	--- @param opts vim.api.keyset.create_autocmd
	local function autocmd(event, opts)
			vim.tbl_extend("force", opts, { group = group })


We can use our new augroup function like this:

augroup("mskelton_command_line", function(autocmd)
	autocmd("RecordingEnter", { callback = command_line.del })
	autocmd("RecordingLeave", { callback = command_line.set })