Keep Track of Your Tenure

I started a new job at Ramp this week, and I quickly found out that they value the number of days since the inception of the company. What started as bit of copy/paste in a slide deck, became a core part of the company culture. Wanting to join the fun, I wrote a simple shell script to keep track of how long I’ve been at Ramp.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

diff() {
	today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
	today_seconds=$(date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d" "$today" "+%s")
	start_seconds=$(date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d" "$1" "+%s")

	# Calculate the number of days
	diff=$(((today_seconds - start_seconds) / 86400))

	echo $((diff))

echo "Today is day $(($(diff $start) + 1)) at $company (day $(diff $company_start))"

With this in place, I just run days in my terminal and viola!

Today is day 2 at Ramp (day 1954)