When making a favicon for a website, it's pretty common to convert a PNG to an ICO file. There are countless online converters, but they all have gotchas, rate limits, and it's just hard to find the right one to do the job for you. With a very simple CLI command, we can do it ourselves!
Bits and bytes of code
Bytes is my collection of short-form posts, tips, and things I learn as I build software.
In a previous byte, I discussed how the Arc browser allows a great deal of configuration for keyboard shortcuts. Another thing that I love about Arc is something you get right out of the box: the tab switcher.
I've you've ever implemented dark mode on a website, you probably have experienced that painful moment when you realize that your lovely dark themed site has an ugly white scrollbar. Thankfully, this is fixed very simply using color-scheme.
If you haven't tried the Arc browser I highly recommend giving it a try. It's a fantastic rethinking of how a web browser should work, with tons of goodies packed inside.
Using bold to emphasize text is great in certain scenarios, but it can be difficult to distinguish bold text from normal text, especially in dark mode.
Hammerspoon is a fantastic tool for automating common tasks such as window management, hotkeys, and much more. It uses Lua to allow you to interface with many low-level macOS APIs. Recently I improved my config to manage Focus (do not disturb).
macOS a robust tool for scheduling automated tasks: launchd. While quite different for those used to cron, it's a pretty great tool for scheduling jobs.
I've been using ripgrep for some time now, and figured it would be great to share for anyone who hasn't used it before.
Tailwind is a fantastic CSS framework that makes it so simple to write CSS code. However, sometimes you need to break outside the boundaries of the set of default classes and do something a little custom.
Managing z-indexing can be a real pain at times. Dealing with many different elements, all of which have to specify different z-index values to ensure the correct stacking context. Thankfully, the CSS isolation property can help remove some of the hassle.